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General terms and conditions

1. The legal guardians guarantee that the participant is healthy and fully capable of sporting activity. They take part in the training at their own responsibility. ​

2. The camp participant takes part in the training at their own risk. The ELITE Academy is not liable for injuries that occur during training. In these cases, any claims must be processed through statutory or private accident insurance.

3. Allergies and other health problems of the participant must be reported before the start of the event. The ELITE Soccer Academy accepts no liability for the loss of valuables. ​

4. Any damage caused by the registered participant must be covered by the legal guardian's insurance.​

5. The publication of photos or videos of the participant on the ELITE Academy website and on all social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) is permitted. If the legal guardians do not consent to publication, this must be communicated in writing in advance by email to​

6. The instructions of the supervisors must be followed. In the event of repeated gross non-compliance, the participant may be excluded from further participation. Exclusion will be decided in consultation with the parents.​

7. Cancellations will only be accepted in writing. The timeliness of the cancellation notice depends on when it is received by the organizer. If a participant is unable to attend the event, cancellation can be made free of charge up to 14 calendar days before the start of the event. For cancellations received later than 14 calendar days before the start of the event, a cancellation fee of 50% of the participant fee will be charged. For cancellations received on the day of the event, the full participant fee will be charged. It is possible to nominate a replacement person to take part in the event. The conditions of participation also apply to these.​

8. If the participant cancels their participation in an event, the amount paid will generally not be refunded. In the event of an injury or illness (proven by a medical certificate) and a written cancellation, the participant will receive a credit which can be redeemed either for another event or in the online shop. The right to a credit expires if the participant does not attend without an excuse.​​

9. When booking an overnight ticket, a refund will only be made if Lennas GmbH does not have to make advance payments to the accommodation provider. If the participant cancels after the end of the cancellation period, which Lennas GmbH must adhere to with the accommodation provider, the amount for the overnight ticket can no longer be refunded.

10. The rate for the overnight package with half board applies exclusively to participants in the Pro Elite Camp. Lennas GmbH reserves the right to charge separately for costs incurred by overnight stays for any accompanying persons (parents, family members).

11.   If an event organized by the ELITE Academy is postponed due to force majeure (weather conditions, pandemics, etc.), the participation fee will not be refunded. In this case, the participant is entitled to a voucher that is valid for registering for a future event.​

12.   If an event organized by the ELITE Academy is canceled due to force majeure (weather conditions, pandemics, etc.), the participation fee will be refunded.​

13.  The ELITE Academy reserves the right to charge for jerseys, backpacks and bottles printed before the cancellation. Any existing obligation to refund the participation fee remains unaffected.​​

14.  Please note that for registrations received less than 7 days before the event, the player package will be sent directly to the postal address provided. Accordingly, the ticket price will be increased by the shipping costs of EUR 10. Please note that in this case, the timely delivery of the package can no longer be guaranteed.

15. If a product from the player package is no longer available in the desired size at the time of registration, it will be sent to the address provided.

16. Complaints regarding the player package will only be accepted in writing by email to

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